Statement following the Hilton ward by-election held on 15 June 2023

“I want to congratulate our Liberal Democrat opponents for picking up two seats in the Hilton ward. I look forward to working with Jayne and Grahame.

It is a bittersweet result for the Conservative Party.

We failed to get Rosa Fawcett elected to the seat held by our late colleague, Gillian Lemmon. We also lost Peter Smith from South Derbyshire District Council.

Peter is a hugely talented individual, who worked so hard for local people. Our party – and the community in Hilton – is all the poorer for losing a man of such stature, integrity, and exceptional ability.

We lost these two seats because of what’s happening in Westminster. We Conservatives need to get our act together or more election losses are heading our way.

As for me, I will serve the people of Hilton and the rural villages with diligence and commitment. I’m proud to live in Hilton, with my wife, and I will work hard to help my constituents, and keep our area clean, green, and safe.

I’d like to thank all of our supporters, and everyone in Hilton who voted for me.”

Cllr Sundip Meghani

Sundip Meghani with a team of Conservative campaigners

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